Have Cooper Automotive complete a vehicle inspection before you purchase a car. Our pre-purchase car inspection can save you and your family the cost of expensive surprises when buying a used car.
Our qualified mechanics are experts in testing cars and will give you an unbiased report so that you can purchase with confidence. The full written report includes an estimate of any repair costs so that you can negotiate the right price with the seller.
Cooper Automotive has seven service locations throughout Tasmania, so having your new car purchase checked before you buy is easy and convenient and could save you a lot of money.
Know what you want? Choose one of our vehicle services below
New Car Warranty Service (Logbook)
Allow Cooper Automotive to service your new car with a Cooper New Car Warranty Service. We are qualified so you can keep your new car warranty but don’t have to pay dealer servicing prices.
Cooper Automotive offers a specialised 4WD service to give you peace of mind. We know your 4WD or SUV needs a little more attention so we’ve developed a specific service to give you value for money.